The Annual Report 2019
Christmas Lunch at Tiggis 2nd December 2019
The Mussel Tank Project Central Beach Lytham 2019
See the Placecheck report on Lytham St Annes. Placecheck is the place to go to use the Placecheck app if you would like to find out about a place it’s people and its strenths or weak resources to discover what needs to be done. You can use the app on smart phones,tablets and computers. People who use Placecheck: local residents,shopkeepers,teachers,schoolchildren,leaders of neighourhood forums and their advisors, local authority officers and staff of regeneration agencies. It gets us to ask these questions . What do we like aboat this place? What do we dislike about this place? What do we need to work on?
Plaque For Sir Nigel Gresley Flying Scotsman Engineer Unveiled
Read about the unveiling of the blue plaque at St Annes Railway Station for Sir Nigel Gresley, designer of the Flying Scotman, commemorating his marriage in St Annes in 1901.
Bill Bryson Found Elegance & An Oasis
What did international and best selling author Bill Bryson think when he visited Lytham and St Annes?
Heritage Happiness
Did you know that heritage plays an important part in our wellbeing and can officially make us happy?
Winter Events to Spring 2019- 2020
A taster of some of the wonderful (and fascinating!) events held throughout the winter of 2015/2016